The detainee population at Abu Ghraib has dropped to about 3,800 from a high of over 7,000.
The growing detainee population reflects recent changes in how the military has been waging the war and in its policies toward detainees, the officials say.
Regional managers approved decisions to decrease the detainee population in ways that District managers later devised.
Burgeoning detainee populations and increased secrecy are primary ingredients for more, not less, prisoner abuse.
Mr. Blackman said the average detainee population at the hotel was from 30 to 35.
After that, the detainee population averaged about 1,700 Bosniak men.
The detainee population at Guantánamo rose to 750 but is now about 500, the authorities said Monday.
At the time of the report, Camp Bucca's detainee population stood at 13,800.
On the day of the delegation's visit, the detainee population was 1,216.
At any given time, 60 percent of the detainee population is held in lieu of $2,500 bail or less.