In August 2010 was shortly detained for an investigation by the Israeli police on suspicion of tax evasion.
He was shortly detained in 1989 for taking part in the establishment of new political parties and violating the ban on public acts.
CNN representatives argued that this was impossible, however, as their reporters were detained shortly after the event began.
Despite this, Jaramillo was once detained by Cuban police overnight shortly after a performance of their song "Las Apariencios Engañan'".
Israel sent home six Egyptian students in their 20's who were detained shortly after they entered Israel four months ago, with knives and an air gun.
On leaving Iran, he was shortly detained and summoned to the Ministry of Intelligence.
Jin Tianming, senior pastor of the free church called Shouwang Church in Beijing was shortly detained and later released into house arrest.
Six suspects were detained shortly after the murder.
Mr. Menem was detained shortly after he walked into a federal court-house this morning.
She was detained shortly after the plane landed about 10:30 a.m. and was being held overnight.