On 20 July 1999, security forces abducted and detained thousands of Falun Gong adherents that they identified as leaders.
His regime began to detain thousands of political activists, students, workers, trade unionists, and any other subversive individuals who spoke out against his fascist military government.
Under that occupation, Israel killed, wounded and detained thousands of Lebanese civilians.
Every year authorities around the country forcibly detain thousands of drug users in prisons - treatment centers in name only.
Pretoria had already crushed dissent by physical force, sending troops into the black townships and detaining thousands under emergency decrees.
The military, which has detained thousands of Palestinians in recent years, did not reply to an inquiry seeking information of the status of those youths.
He suspended habeas corpus, arresting and temporarily detaining thousands of suspected secessionists in the border states without trial.
In any case, North Korea is known for its poor human rights situation and regularly detains thousands of dissidents without trial or benefit of legal advice.
Fleissner said that a party resolution was not to answer, because otherwise detained thousands of officials.
Despite detaining thousands of individuals, the offensive failed to lead to major long-term security improvements in Mosul.