Perhaps we could get liberal support for detaining terrorists if instead of placing them in military tribunals, we sent them to North Korea.
"When it comes to detaining terrorists, what's the Democratic answer?"
"Of course we want to listen to and detain terrorists," Mr. Manley said.
In fact, the government already has extraordinarily broad powers to wiretap, investigate, detain, deport and prosecute terrorists.
Mr. Arafat has also detained and released suspected terrorists to suit his political needs instead of bringing them to trial.
It has detained terrorists without formal charges, interrogating some harshly.
Mr. Uribe has proposed legislation that would expand the state's authority to detain suspected terrorists and enable government wiretaps.
And from the government's perspective, the security interest in detaining terrorists is the same whether they are citizens or not.
These articles, capped by Ms. Priest's, do not impede our ability to detain terrorists.
During this period, US military personnel from all five services planned and executed a mission to safely and humanely detain suspected terrorists.