Some wargames, at the other extreme, are known for extremely complex rules and for attempts at detailed simulation.
We always try to have a detailed simulation of the physics we're trying to understand.
Without a detailed simulation of the electricity sector, it is impossible to determine precisely which plants would respond on the margin.
Higher spatial resolution - in other words, having smaller and more numerous boxes - allows a model to produce a more detailed simulation of the climate.
As Stevens says, "digital media achieves more detailed simulations of reality.
The Eris simulation is the first successful detailed simulation of a Milky Way like galaxy.
Don't you have any curiosity for making an even more detailed simulation from the map?
Mr. Meier has been pursuing those sorts of dreams through the construction of detailed and entertaining historical simulations.
The same conclusion can be made also on the base of more detailed simulations.
We could explore possibilities, but we couldn't run the detailed simulations needed to verify that the designs were meeting our fuel-efficiency goals.