Kirkus Reviews hailed "Quiñonez's ingeniously detailed revelations of how people cheat and improvise, to survive in an impoverished and dangerous racist environment.
Some officials argue that revealing total spending would open the door to more detailed and damaging revelations.
To demands for detailed revelation of his personal positions on abortion.
But the nature of the matter should be reflected in the way it clumps, the astronomers said, and the results hold promise for more detailed revelations of how dark matter is distributed through a galaxy cluster.
After the more detailed revelations, the Kelme team who had been invited to the 2004 Tour de France had their invite withdrawn.
Laake was excommunicated for apostasy because of her criticisms and also for her "detailed revelation of top-secret Mormon temple ceremonies" shortly after the book's publication.
What made this book so popular is the fact that it was the first detailed revelation of the secrets of the cardsharps.
Rebecca is appealing at most moments, but a more detailed revelation of her internal life might give her a greater hold on our emotions, or at least justify some actions that struck me as mystifying.
A close study of the drafts yields far more detailed revelations.