She returned with a detailed recipe that did not include butter.
More than 150 detailed recipes are included, along with a lively history of the Fulton Fish Market.
He does not burden us with detailed recipes.
Pamra found herself drawn in, involved, sent scurrying here and there for everything imaginable, pulled in to help with long, detailed recipes.
The Wikibook Cookbook has a detailed recipe for preparing sushi rice.
The long, painstakingly detailed recipes - the one for beef stew runs more than 1,500 words - can be followed by a novice.
A detailed recipe for aspic is found in Le Viandier, written in or around 1375.
Best of all, the book includes ten detailed recipes, so you can even take a stab at making them yourself.
What is more, he distributes detailed recipes, so that diners can recreate all the dishes at home.
Classical writings from the Greeks and Romans detailed recipes that could cure "sick wines".