TCM gives detailed prescriptions of these patterns regarding their typical symptoms, mostly including characteristic tongue and/or pulse findings.
When it comes to transportation programs, the Bush Administration, by virtue of its incumbency, can claim to have a detailed prescription already in place.
Moreover, the serious business reader will come away a bit hungry for more detailed prescriptions about how an established company can "dance with the devox."
But he said it was highly unusual for a condemned killer to offer such a detailed prescription, especially with execution imminent.
Mr. Baker said it was not appropriate for United States officials to "offer detailed prescriptions to the Soviets."
It is possible that an early message may contain detailed prescriptions for the avoidance of technological disaster, for a passage through adolescence to maturity.
The plan does not lay out a detailed prescription for how that competition should take place.
It is essentially like a detailed prescription.
And that, in turn, requires detailed prescriptions for every problem.
The detailed prescription called for much more aggressive diplomatic efforts in the Middle East than the Bush administration has been willing to embrace.