At least four lawsuits by owners against Marriott contend that the company charges excessive management fees, declines to provide detailed invoices and fails to share with owners the rebates from volume-discount purchases of everything from soda to telephone service.
Simplified administration: detailed invoices from your local station can itemise VAT; payments can be made automatically by direct debit, to save you time on paperwork.
You do need to keep copies of any less detailed invoices you issue.
It is recommended that traders supply a detailed commercial invoice.
The railroad then prepared meticulously detailed invoices to the U.S. Government, requesting payment for these bills, accrued by the Union Pacific from Crédit Mobilier, for the construction of the line, with only a small additional fee over the cost stated on the Crédit Mobilier invoices, for the Union Pacific's overhead expenses.
Not even the head accountant for the Boston Marriott Quincy, who was hired by Marriott and works at the hotel, has access to detailed invoices and charges, said Mr. Baldi, the financial officer for Flatley.
The present structure was built largely on the old foundation until 1489 under the Landshut dukes, as evidenced by the surviving detailed invoices.
We have attached a detailed invoice to this e-mail.
Zayna agreed to make an immediate payment of $4.7 million to Stoffel on the condition that Stoffel provide detailed invoices.
There are no precise figures on how many restaurants use the more detailed invoice slips, but the number is "relatively small," said Marcos Rada, a spokesman for American Express.