From the same year exists also a detailed inventory of weapons and supplies in the castle.
From a detailed 1851 inventory, we know the text of the hymn inscribed on original frame.
The best way, say insurance experts, is to take a detailed inventory of all furnishing and personal belongings.
But creating a detailed inventory of everything you own need not be a major chore when technology comes to the rescue.
Of course, we'll have to take a detailed inventory later on.
"We can take the detailed inventory now if you want," said Graves.
In the unlikely event they are able to find anything of value, you should submit a detailed inventory.
At present we do not have a detailed inventory of computing hardware.
The Kuhns began with a detailed inventory, compiled in a spreadsheet.
We can take a quick look first to make certain that robbery wasn't the motive, and then start taking a detailed inventory.