The morning class squeezes in a visit to a local market, while the afternoon session includes a detailed introduction to Thai ingredients.
See chapter 2 for an excellent and detailed introduction to geodesic congruences.
Although this is not the place to undertake a detailed introduction to the model, a brief sketch will nonetheless prove useful.
Microsoft has a new Zune website up that gives a more detailed introduction to the player than the original site.
This is just the first step, we would like to see these pages grow and become a more detailed introduction to the language of Journalism.
A detailed introduction to morphological modeling is given in Ritchey (2002, 2006).
A fable starts in the middle of the story, that means, jumps into the main event without detailed introduction of characters.
In his detailed introduction, Saadia speaks of the reasons that led him to compose it.
You can find rows of sculptures of ancient warriors on the hill with detailed introduction.
Lucid and detailed introduction to game theory in an explicitly economic context.