The next day, York produced detailed genealogy to support his claim based on his descent from Lionel of Antwerp and was met with more understanding.
A more detailed genealogy (under Eiríks saga rauða, ch.
For his title character this biography even included a detailed genealogy, as well as a list of Babbitt's college courses.
Lovecraft conceived a detailed genealogy for Cthulhu (published as "Letter 617" in Selected Letters) and made the character a central figure in corresponding literature.
Villoslada established the following detailed genealogy of St. Ignatius:
The detailed genealogy is, however, available from the mid-18th century and has been recently published in the Russian Imperial Nobility Encyclopaedia (Vol IV).
The Curate-assistant Christopher Teeling McCready (died 1913) collected detailed genealogies of these families in seven hand-written volumes, which are now in Marsh's Library.
In one of his letters, Lovecraft drew up a detailed genealogy charting the familial relationships of his characters.
The "Book of Jasher", published in the 17th century, provides some new names for Japheth's grandchildren not seen in the Bible or any other source, and provided a much more detailed genealogy (see Japhetic).
For a detailed genealogy of the family and its alliances see Louis Moréri, Dictionnaire historique: Annuaire de la noblesse française (1856 and 1867).