However, if you are paying by post and you don't have a payslip, these details should accompany your payment:
Accompanying these are details that capture the spirit of determination that characterized post-Civil War America.
It was carrying medication, as yet incompletely tested for long-term effects, which was a specific against the grosser, more life-threatening symptoms of the plague, and that the details of the pathological investigation and directions for treatment accompanied the medication.
A small detail of centurions, led by Vitellius and Pulcher, accompanied a wagon as they made their way through the base arresting men named on a list supplied by Narcissus.
If you don't have a payment slip these details should accompany your payment:
When she and her husband withdrew a bid on a home in a tony Northwest Washington neighborhood, some speculated that the house - which sits on the site of the former Rockefeller estate - had failed to meet the additional requirements of the Secret Service, a detail of which accompanied her on her tour.
The gangly, orange-plumed Tezwan woman and her detail of Tezwan peace officers were accompanying Fillion's team on this search for smuggled weapon materials.
The exceptional detail of the goatskin cloak, the beard and the hair accompany of series of optical corrections.
They had finalized the details of their journey-Daryth would accompany the prince and Lord Pontswain to Caer Callidyrr.
No details of Mr. Cruise's outfit accompanied the report.