Hadley realizes her destructive ways after she is caught by Sam.
William Kentridge is another artist who works in this destructive way.
But since neither can be sure what the other will do, both have incentive to act in a mutually destructive way.
Techniques have also been developed to prevent the world of the performance from spilling over into an actor's personal life in destructive ways.
"But now, instead of acting out in really destructive ways, she shows up every day and deals with her anger."
You could never know that your work would be used in a destructive way.
They needed to open the body in the least destructive way.
The buildings could have fallen in different, even more destructive ways.
But the issue is still being pursued, in a way destructive of our political system.
You can do an end run around her by understanding the game and by not responding in a destructive way.