I guess my powers really were desirable, even with their destructive tendencies.
Many of these destructive tendencies certainly were present in George Lambert's life at the turn of the century.
One danger is that as salaries skyrocket, players will have more money to feed possibly destructive tendencies.
We will never mine energy from the planet Zargon and expand our destructive tendencies beyond the solar system.
Since then, another spit has formed to the west and now shields Langli from some of the sea's more destructive tendencies.
Soon the relationship fails due to the aggressive, also destructive tendencies of the man who enters a deep personal crisis.
She could recognize the healthy as well as the destructive tendencies in each culture and act accordingly.
Cohen exhibited violent, destructive tendencies while at the asylum, and had to be restrained.
But it was also a crime linked to one of the largest and most destructive political tendencies in the modern world: radical Islamism.
To reverse this destructive tendency is a bold challenge, admittedly, but it is one we are prepared to face.