It's a very destructive disease for families.
Yes, it is a destructive disease that normally kills within three to five years of diagnosis.
It is one of the bacteria which might be implicated in destructive periodontal disease.
It is one of the seven destructive periodontal diseases as listed in the 1999 classification.
It is the most destructive disease in history.
It's the most destructive disease in the history of mankind, even worse than the Black Death.
However, the disease most destructive due to specific drug addiction, nicotine dependency, is ignored.
Doctors assured Lane as a child that the destructive disease was not necessarily inherited, although he found out otherwise later in his life.
It is potentially the most destructive disease of peppers in Spain.
In all of history, the most destructive disease is malaria; more than 1.5 million people die from malaria every year.