About 5,500 acres of poppies have been destroyed since 1991, but new fields are discovered regularly.
They said the sand dunes once stretched between 150 and 200 feet beyond the homes that have been destroyed since last Friday.
Only 7 populations are known to exist, and three of these have been destroyed since the plant's discovery in 1976.
It is one of 235 vessels to have been destroyed since 2001.
At least two factories dealing in hydroxylamine have been destroyed since 1999 with loss of life.
The colony known to Wise has been destroyed since its discovery.
Soon after he left, the Labor Ministry said most of the documents had been destroyed since the war.
It has been almost entirely destroyed since the 19th century by earthquakes in 1912 and 1936.
Of the nine, five have been destroyed since the listing on the Register in 1980.
But fires and deforestation have largely destroyed the forests since the 1940s.