The reticulocyte count rises when there is a lot of blood loss or in certain diseases in which red blood cells are destroyed prematurely, such as hemolytic anemia.
In individuals with CAHA, the red blood cells are destroyed prematurely and the rate of production of new cells in the bone marrow can no longer compensate for their loss.
Grapple Z sought to develop lighter nuclear warheads as well as weapons that were radiologically hardened - meaning they would not be destroyed prematurely if exposed to nuclear radiation from other nuclear explosions.
She helps them on various missions such as battling the Shadow King and returning to ancient Camelot to prevent it from being prematurely destroyed.
The third is from the main timeline which was destroyed prematurely by Future Trunks (from the second timeline) and Krillin so that there will not be a threat from that timeline's cell.
The fourth was the one that was destroyed prematurely by Trunks and Krillin who then used the blueprints of the Androids to make sure that a device was built to deactivate/destroy the androids (Bulma made this in his timeline and all others where this is used).
Salyut 1 was moved to a higher orbit in July and August 1971 to ensure that it would not be destroyed prematurely through orbital decay.
Growing Allied numbers eventually hemmed the French in at Leipzig, where the famous three-day Battle of the Nations witnessed a heavy loss for Napoleon when a bridge was prematurely destroyed, abandoning 30,000 French soldiers on the other side of the Elster River.
The bridges across the Neman River were prematurely destroyed by the retreating Soviets.
In individuals with PCH, red blood cells are destroyed prematurely and suddenly (paroxysmally).