And environmentalists have begun an aggressive campaign to block tunnel construction, which they say will destroy wetlands and deplete ground water in the region.
Ms. Fox said that the agency's alternative plan would resolve those same six problems without building a costly road and destroying wetlands.
They said heavy equipment would also destroy wetlands.
Millions of landowners think they should be able to build a tool shed on their property without risking the government jailing them for destroying wetlands.
For one thing, environmentalists blame it for destroying wetlands.
Mr. Fascina said the project would involve destroying wetlands adjacent to the stream.
East Haddam officials said they have worked long and hard to keep the Goodspeed in town, short of destroying wetlands.
This becomes important especially when considering the true costs of development that destroys wetlands and hence exacerbate flood damages.
They are dying off as we destroy rain forests and wetlands.
Why were developers permitted to destroy wetlands and barrier islands that could have held back the hurricane's surge?