However, although there was about as much as 1.9 billion yen, the Japanese military administrations intentionally destroyed 700 million worth of it.
They were also recovering from the 1989 freeze that destroyed $500 million worth of winter crops.
February 25, 1990: Two men broke into a clinic in Vancouver and destroyed $C30,000 worth of medical equipment with crowbars.
Moreover the fighting in Mindanao even destroyed more than P135 million worth of crops and 12,000 hectares of rice and corn fields.
In 1991, a bushfire destroyed $1.5 million worth of pine trees at Pierces Creek.
It destroyed $94 million worth of goods inside, including motorcycles, clothing, coffee and 3.2 million cans of aerosol spray paint.
"And in the process burned down Stiva's Mortuary and destroyed thousands of dollars worth of government property."
The police said the latest fire destroyed $55,000 worth of furniture in the St.
During the production, a fire destroyed HK$10 million worth of sets, resulting in severe budget problems.
Mr. Cohen, the owner, destroyed all but $1,000 worth of his ruined merchandise, then spent about $10,000 to encase the remainder.