Sorties continued to be made out of Cádiz from April to August 1811, and British naval gunboats also destroyed French positions at St. Mary's.
She downed at least three suicide planes, sank several Japanese small craft, and destroyed key positions ashore.
Each side tried to destroy the other's advance tunnels and positions and hardly a day passed without an explosion.
Relying on the element of surprise, 1/7 managed to destroy several Chinese positions along the road.
Even though wounded he kept on encouraging his men to go forward and destroy other positions.
Finally, attack planes, helicopters and tanks will be used in close coordination with coalition infantry to destroy difficult defensive positions.
Initially they were intended as a mobile, armored gun platform, providing close fire support to the infantry to destroy bunkers, pillboxes and other entrenched positions.
The artillery bombardment and infantry attack destroyed most French positions, with only Casemate Rhinau Sud holding out through the day.
Returning fire vigorously, the Australians destroyed several Chinese positions and subsequently managed to fight their way clear.
Through the course of the game, Ahmed progresses from throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers to destroying Israeli military positions.