A 12 m tsunami destroyed two villages on the northern side of the island and killed 10 people.
The Moors destroyed the smallest arch on the left side in 1214.
Holt's main objective is to destroy a rail gun on the other side of a river that runs through a small town.
Five days later on December 12, fire destroyed every business and house on the west side.
In March 1834, the area was devastated by fire which destroyed all the buildings on the north side of the square, next to the canal.
I sent men to destroy a cabin on the other side of the hill.
On July 30, 2010, a fire destroyed 13 buildings on the north side of town.
A Toyota and a jeep were destroyed on the other side.
In 1860 a fire destroyed everything on the east side of Main Street, except for the hotel.
A disastrous fire destroyed all buildings on the south side of the community in 1916.