On his return he was among those who helped to destroy a 64-gun French warship off Almeria in December that year.
He destroys all the photographs, notes and scratches off Sanjay's tattoos.
In 747 his fleet destroyed the Arab fleet off Cyprus.
These forces, however, never reached their destination due to a storm that destroyed the fleet on October 19 off the city of Málaga.
Its construction destroyed hundreds of homes in Oregon Hill among other neighborhoods and cuts off pedestrian traffic to the river front.
The Lord shall straightway destroy them from off the face of the earth.
"Do you recall the spell that destroyed the crews of the Sturinnese ships in the battle off Encora?"
In 1157, a storm destroyed a Slavic fleet of 1,500 ships off the Norwegian coast.
A small raid by nine Japanese planes destroys a tank landing ship off Lae.
The bomb had been powerful enough to destroy the immediate area and blow off that section of the roof, revealing the rooms above.