It suggests monumental disasters are threatening to destroy humankind and argues that "it is too late to save our planet from harm".
They feel they must destroy the Confederacy, but they have no wish to destroy humankind as well.
A woman who had the treatment is making it her mission to kill the mutants one by one before they destroy humankind.
Those who would seek to destroy humankind must be destroyed first!
These troubles set the stage for an attack by the unknown meta-streumonic force bent on destroying humankind.
This proved to be a foolish move when Magneto easily reprogrammed the chromium-built machines to destroy humankind.
The idea that computers designed for warfare will become autonomous and destroy humankind.
They wanted him, Davies, to help them destroy humankind.
If they could, the Amnion would use him to destroy humankind.
At the moment his only real conviction was that the Amnion would use him to destroy humankind.