The bacteria destroys flesh, so what you smell is in fact rotting flesh.
Tests showed the man suffered from necrotizing fasciitis, which at its most virulent can destroy flesh.
The Asha'man's methods had been brutal, destroying flesh and ground with equal impartiality.
About two people per million who were vaccinated had an often fatal reaction known as vaccinia necrosum, which destroyed flesh and muscle.
Like others along the tropical coast of Australia, the river contains a rare germ which destroys flesh.
I whipped out my pistol, the r-ray pistol that destroys flesh and bone; and let him have it.
These words of Bdos Err brought twisted smiles to his companions* faces, for they were adepts at rendering pain, at destroying flesh.
Not to die, but to survive; not to destroy flesh, but to preserve it.
Therefore, "destroyed flesh" already had occurred in "Flood deposits" underneath the construction site before Noah could have built the Ark.
Ethan's ability is more powerful than the Oros, capable of destroying flesh and bone.