In contrast to many other musicals of past eras - and despite topical references - the show is ageless rather than venerable.
Despite constant references to Alzheimer's disease, "no more than 10 percent of all people 65 to 100 or more are Alzheimer's patients," the researchers said.
Despite frequent recent references to Gill as "forgotten" or "unappreciated," he was reasonably well documented during his life.
Details of the dispute were never released by either side, despite frequent references to the dispute by the press.
Yet, despite extensive footnotes and references, some academic critics consider its interpretation of Nazism flawed.
Despite such references, this is not intended as mere quotation, because in the process Costa engraves his own vision.
And despite heavy references to evil and many scenes with the family therapist, the drama is not about innocence or psychology.
However, despite frequent references to the book, Lovecraft was very sparing of details about its appearance and contents.
There is no reported case of a true "albino" horse, despite references to white horses that are called "albino".
The girl, despite frequent references to her mother and father, had been living in a group foster home and had run away.