Most institutional critique art, for instance, is displayed in museums and galleries, despite its critical stance towards them.
Despite her proud stance, however, fear lurked in her eyes.
Despite Selig's staunch stance, contraction for the 2002 season grows less likely with each passing day.
I always heard that despite their continuing stance of neutrality, the Swiss had a pretty good army.
Despite its stance, the university has admitted interracial married couples.
Despite the Torrijos administration's public stance on corruption, many high-profile cases, particularly involving political or business elites, were never acted upon.
In the third verse, he concludes that, despite his negative stance, he is looking for a change, which getting signed would provide.
Despite their bipedal stance, they were likely more closely related to the ceratopsians than the ornithopods.
Despite his awkward stance, Martin's 8-iron shot soared high, stopping a few feet short of the green, 20 feet from the hole.
Despite his controversial stance, he has been re-elected twice.