Since 2005, we've spent tens of millions funding an agency that, despite its dwindling responsibilities, has more than doubled in size," Harper said.
De facto, municipal governments play a very limited role in water supply and sanitation despite their legal responsibilities.
He added that county governments, despite their new responsibilities, were weaker than they were in the 1970's.
Walton remained a core member of the University of Maryland faculty despite his wide responsibilities in various organizations.
Despite his responsibilities, he continues to work as a practising doctor in Nottingham.
But despite his responsibilities as department chairman, he still enjoys teaching.
We will be driven to it, despite our natural civic responsibilities," he added.
Despite his governmental responsibilities, Mr. Wajda nevertheless has a full artistic plate before him.
Despite its broad responsibilities, DAO was authorized only 50 military and 1,200 civilians.
Despite his corporate responsibilities, Lord Aberconway took a keen interest in horticulture.