John Ging called it a "cowardly and despicable" attack.
NATO described the incident as a "despicable attack" aimed at civilians.
A Cleveland Police spokeswoman said: 'This was a despicable attack by cowardly people.'
This is a despicable attack on one of the most vulnerable groups in society.
Police say the man escaped across fields after what they said was a despicable attack.
It shows Mrs. Clinton angrily criticizing her opponent, calling his attacks outrageous and despicable.
"The despicable attacks of the last few days are putting his health at risk."
"Our thoughts are with the families of the bereaved and all those who have been injured in this despicable terrorist attack," Coe said in a statement.
The United States blamed airstrikes by Government forces for the deaths, and condemned the "despicable attack".
No one will ever forget the egregious, deplorable and despicable terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.