Alexis desperately attempts to convince Sam to induce labor two weeks early.
Hayward desperately attempts to overcome the situation, but the slaughter continues.
After quitting his telemarketing job, Michael desperately attempts to come up with money.
Each side was desperately attempting to assist their infantrymen on the ground.
At this moment they are desperately attempting to cut new Tubes to the surface, to resume the war.
She sat down on the bed and tried to think clearly, attempting desperately to find a reason for this madness.
On several occasions countries were desperately attempting not to cause a devaluation but to prevent one.
On the day of the launch, civilians and military personnel desperately attempt to storm the ship.
The young girl desperately attempts to contact the police using a mobile phone but is strangled to death from behind.
Todd is gone missing and Susan spends throughout the episode desperately attempting to find him.