Warding off the attack with a desperate push, the clansman moved back to the edge of the circle.
Then he gave me a last desperate push and I tripped over the shorts caught around my ankles and fell down.
In a further desperate push of the string.
I've got the first two legs in . . .' I give a desperate push.
All this we do in a desperate push against the certainty that death is our ultimate destiny.
State officials acknowledged that in the desperate push to save thousands of people in New Orleans, nearby parishes had been overlooked.
But throughout Latin America, such industries suddenly find themselves in a desperate push for productivity.
Putting in a last desperate push, he reached the finish two paces ahead of the second pair.
Uhura said nothing, understanding from her own experiences that last, desperate push against a decision that has to be made.
Shortly before noon, there was a desperate push to clear away the remaining vestiges of Project B and to get to the airport.