The peasants, desperate for food, stormed the granary, but the Party members defended it by opening fire, killing and wounding the villagers.
The 1970s saw considerable migration from Telana, as desperate peasants went in search of work.
The guerrillas offered desperate peasants utopian solutions, and promised easy victories.
Rising food prices, the loss of public and church lands, and the loss of feudal common rights pushed many desperate peasants to banditry.
It is the path followed by hundreds of thousands of desperate peasants every year.
As desperate peasants uproot trees, leaving many areas almost completely denuded, what little remains of the region's topsoil goes out to sea.
But in recent weeks there have been eight attempted "invasions" of local towns by desperate peasants.
Peru's Government then blocked that move out of fear of driving unemployed and desperate peasants into the ranks of the Shining Path.
You would think from the Western news reports that Kabul is populated only by desperate peasants, many of them warlike, and government bureaucrats and soldiers.
Mostly desperate peasants, fighting for their children's lives.