Despite our desperate life, we really tried, with the best of wills, to do better and better.
Millions of these families are already leading desperate lives.
Although he knew many of them must lead confused and desperate lives (wasn't his own wife Linda an example?)
So there are those desperate to breath life back into it.
Reflecting the desperate, chaotic lives of their members, other groups have formed and then dissolved, almost overnight.
Despite the desperate life he was leading, she saw his potential and offered him a job.
He has formerly led a desperate life, and is at times even now undoubtedly a ruffian.
Without careful research, the welfare specialists say, it will be difficult to determine whether the plan empowers the poor or makes desperate lives more miserable.
Of the 69 men and nine women who survived, none would succeed in escaping their desperate lives back home.
But most of the women lead more desperate lives.