She also characterized them as anti-Italian smears and desperate gambits by rivals who trail her in the polls.
They were a desperate gambit to ward off the demons in what is really known as a city of legendary sports chokes.
On the air, in a desperate gambit for attention, she invited an expert in these matters to grope around and testify to their authenticity.
In a desperate gambit, Superman dived into the heart of the sun, thus gaining a massive power boost that enhanced his abilities significantly.
The Administration's move was seen as a desperate gambit, particularly because the full court rarely grants such reviews.
It's a desperate and probably futile gambit, but if these ancient machines are of Queendom manufacture, mightn't they heed their old king?
It was a crude plan, little more than a desperate gambit.
Thus, Kuwait has undertaken a desperate gambit to end the war by drawing in the two superpowers.
She deciphers this desperate gambit, to strike at her here, in her very home.
Fortunately, events proved such desperate gambits in the end unnecessary.