Time was when surrendering a child for adoption was a desperate choice made by young women, girls really, who were victims of circumstance.
Workers on the upper floors faced a desperate choice, either jump five stories to the ground, or be burned to death.
It would be a pretty desperate choice, though, wouldn't it?
It was too desperate a choice, even for Petey.
I propose that he made this desperate choice because he saw in our future something that only such a sacrifice would prevent.
So many times he stood before the mirrors and laughed, recalling that old story of desperate choice: the Lady or the Tiger.
During the Occupation, many Bajorans had to make similar or even more desperate choices.
In such a case, however, it is crucial that I do not elevate this desperate choice into a universal principle.
When the train arrived at Grand Central Terminal, he could make only one last desperate choice.
How do I compare with that Brooklyn mother, who needed to work and made a desperate but poor choice?