In 1689 during King William's War, they were driven out again, and the village remained a desolate waste for 40 years.
His feet were good enough to enable him to put some miles between himself and the desolate waste which now lay only a half mile beyond them.
Ahead lay a black and desolate waste.
Within moments, two square blocks of Waterdeep had been turned into a desolate, brown waste.
We prefer desolate wastes, clean air, hot sun, and a following wind.
There was something in the desolate waste and the night things which repulsed him as nothing else had during this fantastic voyage.
His words open out into a desolate waste of cafeterias and street corners and lunch rooms.
One tree in all this desolate waste, exactly where we need it!
Already his eyes looked upon things beyond this lonely cavern in a desolate waste.
And the city of Quism is just as savage as the desolate wastes.