For seven days, they waited in this desolate town for Mr. Massoud to see them.
The film, which follows a group of unemployed young people in a desolate town in Normandy, received a special mention and subsequently hit the festival rounds.
Fox promoted the episode with the tagline "A desolate town.
They met in a desolate Western town, their paths converging in a fraught moment when one was exposed, the other protective.
In truth, Blanchard writes so well that even her quiet descriptions of desolate towns and lonely people are good enough to rattle the rafters.
Russian troops kept their distance as a ragged band of Chechens strolled through the center of this desolate Chechen town.
In the early days of the Ottoman period, Ramla was a desolate town with few inhabitants.
Most of the characters lead a dull and meaningless existence in a desolate small town.
It was a desolate, empty town, and Cranston drove carefully toward the center, his eyes more than alert.
It puts the proverbial young people inside a desolate small town after they have car trouble.