"There was something positive coming out of these desolate environments," he insisted the other day, before going to Brazil for an exhibition of his work.
Mel had given up cigarettes by the trick of switching to cigars, which were so noxious that, like nuclear weapons, they could not be used except in remote, desolate environments.
Many postwar children in urban areas shared a common memory of playing their games and riding their bicycles across these desolate environments.
This site was chosen to test the materials in a desolate environment with rugged terrain, dust storms, extreme temperatures...
Close to the heart of London, the location was chosen in part for its desolate environment, but also because Jarre thought the architecture was ideally suited for his music.
The director, John Avildsen, keeps Stallone small in the frame, as dwarfed by his desolate environment as Chaplin's Little Tramp.
He describes a hostile, desolate environment and the plant life that was the only evident resource for human survival.
From then on, long takes are used to reveal lonely figures in desolate environments or people in confrontation with one another.
You have a conscious creature, trapped on the surface of the Moon, in this desolate, barren environment.
The desolate urban environment mirrors the mental condition of a man whose warped memories of a homicide two decades earlier come flooding back as he revisits childhood landmarks.