It's doubly-so considering that Google makes what has to be one of, if not the best, desktop browser, and does so across multiple operating systems.
As with desktop browsers, the mobile device user may choose to disable cookies.
The switch to the desktop browser also appears to discard things like back button history and current page state.
How bad is the desktop browser regarding touch?
Software updates for desktop browsers are frequently made and widely distributed.
This can also be done by mucking with your desktop browser's User-Agent.
They'll just say Android users are more likely to set their browser to identify as a desktop browser.
Is there any resolution, apart from using a desktop browser or hoping the web developer has linked you to their full-blown version?
Some tiny-share desktop browser that suddenly doubled in popularity for no apparent reason?
The desktop browser is essentially a kind of advertising and test bed for their mobile versions that they offer for money to system builders.