The Workstation Edition, which provides remote desktop access directly from one computer to another in peer-to-peer fashion.
The Gateway Edition "uses a hub and spoke network" to connect groups of three or more computers for remote desktop access.
The main focus is to provide desktop access for large number of users with a very small footprint for each user session by:
If you are already an HMRC employee then please note that you cannot apply via the intranet or through your desktop access to the internet.
Windows Live Mesh also enabled remote desktop access via the Internet.
Why do I need my browser to enable remote desktop access when it is available in so many other locations through so many other facilities?
"All of this together is moving us to a world," he said, "where we can move content very, very quickly - and have desktop access to that content."
For remote desktop access and control, DesktopDirect allows users to remote desktops from a standard web browser.
For these users the desktop machine is becoming the information centre, and they require desktop access to archival material.
Some resources (e.g. remote desktop access) require the use of port forwarding to operate successfully.