There is also a preserved old desk used by Tereshchenko.
He sat in the Emperor's antechamber at a desk previously used by guard officers.
The desk being used is a Scan two-piece unit.
It can see the desk used by Bolívar, gold ornaments of the Chimú culture and its period furnishings.
He had half a dozen ceramic objects on the desk, used as paperweights against air currents which did not exist underground.
The glint off the revolver told Quinn he was there, sitting in the darkened office at the mammoth desk once used by their father.
In another room off the squad room, there are desks and lockers used by members of the squad.
The museum has the original desk used by Mark Twain when he was editor of the paper.
They also added another desk separate from the desk used by three anchors.
Mr. Bhaer had just taken down the long rule that hung over his desk, so seldom used that it was covered with dust.