Gardiner's successors built an outpost but refused to hand over their desirable goods and were killed at their first religious service in the new settlement.
Defence of all public spending on necessary and desirable goods.
In any case, the pyramid town, like all other Egyptian towns, would soon have developed its own economy as everyone traded unwanted rations for desirable goods or skills.
Surveyed users also indicated that they believed that regular use of public bookcases could function as an example for similar schemes for other desirable goods.
And dealers are sending their least desirable goods.
The problem is, as in real-life bargain hunts, there's always more junk than there is desirable goods.
Perhaps worst of all, there's the judgment: She's damaged goods - less desirable, less marriageable.
The allocation of scarce and desirable goods, in this case jobs, is a political issue and one that has been endemic since the late 1950s.
It was a gamble, and one that might indeed pay off, especially as the flow of exotic and desirable goods increased to the city.
On the contrary, the colonial viceroys eventually made peace with the northern Indians by buying them off with "gifts" of food, clothing, and other desirable goods.