This designer recommends silk long johns and fun, possibly even rakish, headwear.
Could designers at last be recommending that women find something in the clothes that expresses themselves, and not some corporate creed?
No responsible designer or multihull sailor would recommend this for a multihull.
The rather severe head treatment carried out the urbane, slick look the designer recommends for the beach or pool.
On the other hand, some designers recommend off-whites, beiges, soft yellows and warm earth tones.
The designers recommend pencil and paper for the keeping-track of Power Points.
When a teen-age girl and her mother went into the shop looking for a prom dress and rejected Ms. Wilburn's offerings, the designer happily recommended alternatives.
Yeah, the designer of Century Gothic-Monotype Imaging-doesn't recommend it for long passages of text.
The designers also recommend adding architectural brackets to corners and doorways (available from Decorators Supply Corporation in Chicago).
Many designers recommend installing a cedar-lined closet, but not everyone agrees that it is worth the cost.