Significantly, more designers are employing bosomy mannequins, supplementing those with boyish figures who have been popular for so long.
If gallop is likely to be a concern, designers can employ smooth-faced conductors, whose improved icing and aerodynamic characteristics reduce the motion.
Eventually, designers employed multiple non-planar sections, each canting up at a greater angle, dispensing with the winglets entirely.
In one district the designer would employ a particular form and arrangement of vine leaf, while in another adjoining quite a different style repeatedly appears.
Worldbuilding designers sometimes employ past human civilizations as a model for fictional societies.
But today's designers usually employ contemporary silhouettes and fabric innovations.
Depending on the environment and the expected interference, designers can employ one or more of these methods to improve signal quality.
AIDS, too, had an impact on the forms that designers employ to conjure images of seduction.
The designers employ African craft artists to make the jewelry, which can take days.
Some designers employ pressure stages up to the last stage.