But Market NYC is much like a flea market; it is open only on weekends and designers display their wares on foldout tables.
The designer Raymond A. Koreyvo on November 6 1907 patented the engine in France, then displayed the engine at international exhibitions.
Stenciled along the tops of the walls were French motifs taken from Quimper china, several pieces of which the designer has displayed in the pantry.
Though designers rarely display the teeth of politicians or the cultural hipsterism of the philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy, there is hardly one who doesn't understand the value of a symbol.
If young people in Europe at the moment profess to hate geopolitical aggression, which led to protests in the streets during the collections, how can they accept the aggressive sexuality that designers displayed?
One designer, ei, displayed sure signs of stardom.
The designer displays his exquisite color sense in fluid, slender long evening dresses that gracefully blend colors like yellow, red and pink in a manner that seems inevitable.
The designers named each of the game's several hundred otherwise identical protagonists, who were also awarded gravestones (varying according to the soldier's attained in-game rank) displayed on a screen between levels.
It is not the standard fare usually found at a show house, where designers display their most opulent fantasies about home decoration.