The first digit refers to a designated postal zone, the rest designate smaller administrative units or districts and streets within the municipal area.
The proposal to designate standby military units for rapid deployment into crisis areas was one of the less sensitive elements in Mr. Boutros-Ghali's suggestions.
Three-car units are designated 427 (centre section: 827) and four-car units 428/828).
Among the decisions being considered is whether the United States should designate military units for training and service to support United Nations operations, the officials said.
Other terms designate units of psionic, or otherwise supernatural, power equivalent to MP:
Furthermore, each subject is designated as either one or two "units".
Therefore, we might use the term "anthropically biased natural units" to designate natural units which were selected because of a particular human prejudice, preconception, bias, or preference.
In 2012 Concord Music Group designated four distinct operating units:
Aufklärungs-Abteilung - reconnaissance unit or battalion, also used to designate certain battalion-sized units.
Biffin slang used by Troupes de Marine and Fusiliers Marins to designate other infantry units.