The foundation's historic plaque program was begun in 1968, and since that time it has awarded over 500 plaques to designate significant historical structures within Allegheny County.
Omaha has designated numerous historic structures and sites as city landmarks, including some that date from before the city's founding.
The first comprehensive preservation ordinance in Nebraska, its purpose focuses on designating structures and districts of local significance; regulate work done on designated buildings; and identify and implement overall goals and objectives for preservation in the city.
Would Mr. Tierney designate structures like the hotel, places known as cultural landmarks that are neither architecturally nor historically outstanding but were central to the lives of ordinary people?
The Sands Point Historic Landmarks Preservation Commission was established in 1985 to designate and protect sites and structures of architectural or historical significance.
The commission will continue to consider but not yet designate other historical structures in the cathedral compound, bordered by Amsterdam Avenue and Morningside Drive, Cathedral Parkway and 113th Street.
Since the end of the 20th century, the Agency for Cultural Affairs has focused on designating structures built between 1868 and 1930 and those in underrepresented regions.
Based upon standard mapping symbols, these markings usually designate man-made structures that may be identifiable from the air, including:
Today a restored Church Street has more officially designated structures of historic significance than any other thoroughfare in the nation.
The commission reviews proposals to designate structures and entire neighborhoods as landmarks or historic districts, based on their architectural, historical and cultural significance.