Historically, design verification was a laborious, repetitive loop of writing and running simulation test cases against the design under test.
Custom Switch Matrices are used extensively throughout test systems in the wireless and aerospace defense sectors for design verification and for manufacturing test.
These tests are for design verification and are not required as production testing.
The first stage can involves design verification where the expected output of the module is tested through computer simulation.
Functional verification is a part of more encompassing design verification, which, besides functional verification, considers non-functional aspects like timing, layout and power.
SolidWorks Premium provides a suite of product development tools mechanical design, design verification, data management, and communication tools.
Another common use of FIB instruments is for design verification and/or failure analysis of semiconductor devices.
These products are sold into the functional test, hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS) and design verifications markets.
A low resolution, low strength ouput had value in design verification, mould making, production jigs and other areas.
In 2003, when many wireless technologies were new, Daintree's focus was on providing design verification and operational support tools for wireless embedded developers.