Through close observation of natural energies and flow patterns efficient design systems can be developed.
These part models may have to be used years after the vendor of the original design system has gone out of business.
If all you could see were your nose, or the side of your face, nature's design system would clearly have slipped up somewhere.
When patients help design clinical systems, care and test results are provided more quickly.
Other devices will soon be available to assist in computer-aided design systems and reporting of medical information, he said.
This new generation of computer-aided design systems does away with the need for knowing complicated computer techniques.
An automated design system could always make something work by throwing more atoms at it.
The basic features of the design process-based system can be illustrated by the following worked examples.
New product specimens are developed using automated design systems.
Chrysler introduced a computerized design system that it said could greatly speed the development of cars.