However, the first design did not meet with approval from other architects, or from the residents of Chicago.
No plane in the world could do everything, but any design must meet most of the major requirements for its intended employment.
It is worth noting that this design meets the additional requirements for second and third normal form.
The design has met little success and has failed to catch on with Russian police.
"This is definitely a place where fashion and design meet."
At that time, only 21 percent of the engineering drawings had been completed, and it was still unknown whether the design would meet the requirements.
Once again this new design met with an enthusiastic reception from the press.
After nearly a century in service, the sheriff's house and jail closed; its design could no longer meet new state regulations for jails.
And if the design does not meet current standards, he asked, why should it be allowed to operate for another 20 years?
Next, well see how fashion, design and electronics are meeting in a big way for 2008.